- Attack ruck
- defend the ball - stop the opposition from stealing the ball or counter-rucking
- Low body position, wide stance
- bind onto other players to increase weight and resistance
- ensure we keep possession
- load as many players into the ruck as is required to keep the ball
- speed - if too slow the other team has time to form a defensive line
- Defend ruck
- Number of players entering the ruck is dedicated by the situation
- Limit numbers and fan out in defence if there is a low chance of winning the ball
- flood ruck if there is a high chance of winning the ball back (this is called counter-rucking)
- White has the ball and Green counter ruck
- ensure we have posts\pillirs on the side of the ruck to watch for pick and goes
- Number of players entering the ruck is dedicated by the situation
Mauls are only allowed in u16 and U18 and have limitations - please see Age grade laws
- A jackal is when a defensive player steals the ball in a ruck
- How the pros do it
- Take care in jackaling as the opposition players can exert a lot of pressure on the shoulders, back and neck.
- If you are not trained to jackal, rather get out into the defensive line and wait for a tackle.
- The support player moves forward in a low body position.
- He hits the ball carrier with the shoulder.
- He rips the ball out by pulling the ball down and round using the upper arm and shoulder.
- Shorter players should come from underneath
- Tallers player from above