120 minute practice
- 18:00 - 18:30
- Activate warm-up
- For those that end early, set up a game as an incentive
- 18:30 - 19:30
- Skill 1:(10 mins)
- S&C1: (5 mins - train under physical duress)
- Skill 2: (10 mins)
- S&C 2: (5 mins - train under physical duress)
- Skill 3: (10 mins)
- S&C 3: (5 mins - train under physical duress)
- 19:30 - 20:00
- Game, Set Piece, Shadow rugby, or Classroom sessions
- Embed Activate into practices
- Players should arrive and start warmups at 18:00
- Coaches can setup drills during this time
- Merging drills and S&C helps train the players under duress
- S&C1: (10 mins) includes time to get water and rotate
90 mins training session
- 18:00 - 18:15
- Activate warm-up
- For those that end early, set up a game as an incentive
- 18:15 - 19:00
- Skill 1:(10 mins)
- S&C1: (5 mins - train under physical duress)
- Skill 2: (10 mins)
- S&C 2: (5 mins - train under physical duress)
- Skill 3: (10 mins)
- S&C 3: (5 mins - train under physical duress)
- 19:00 - 19:30
- Game, Set Piece, Shadow rugby, or Classroom sessions